From the 3R's to the 4C's : Emerging Technologies positive and transformative impact on the K-12 Education over the next decades
As children build on their early educational foundation, does new technology help or hinder their intelligence?
According to William Crossman, author, human-rights activist and educator of Golden Gate University, studies actually prove that young people's intelligent quotients(IQ's) are actually increasing with increased options for accessing information. Emerging information technologies available to children today allow them to fully utilize all of their sensory, interactive and cognitive powers.
The direction of the new evolution of human technology with a more oral culture could potentially disrupt the K-12 education system, deceasing the importance of the 3R's (reading, 'riting, and 'rithmetic).
At Ayara, we believe that by providing parents and educators information, tools, and a space to collaborate, we will together create a world where our children have the foundational skills needed to thrive in the future. Join our movement today!